despite the odds!!
Yes I'm back and no I'm not dead, or arrested, or living on the streets!
Nothing much has happened, I just took the last year and a half off to try out
some other things, including Source Filmmaker (SFM) for example,
but it turned out to be not my kind of thing after all.
Had to find a new job as well which allows me enough time to continue
doing animations and besides that, there was really nothing new to report
after the last 'update', so sorry for the major inconvenience!
Dropped the whole patreon thing entirely because it didn't serve any purpose. Everything is free again and requests are taken at random intervalls, perhaps
I'm returning to the previous principle where after a certain amount of page views everyone can ask for one specific thing, we'll see.
The 'A Veela Nature' video is still in progress, but for starters here's a little appetizer for you to warm up again!
Some might know or remember this really old story called
'Harry Potter: Uninhibi-tidbits' (or RoR Orgy) written by Goliath.
Not much plot but a good setting for lots of smut!
Turned out I really like creating images matching to an existing story! It's much easier than making full length animations but that doesn't mean I'm giving that up either, it's just a nice little filler in between.
The last unfulfilled requests are coming the following days/weeks and after that
I'll continue working on that video mentioned above and not stop until it's finished!
Until then I hope you're all well and still enjoy what is presented here!
Cheers and happy holidays!
P.S. I know some download links are dead (unfortunately gavitex has been taken down), I'll replace them as soon as possible, thank you!

Read story with pictures online:
googledrive blogger
Download Pictures (330 images, 324 MB):
googledrive blogger
Download Pictures (330 images, 324 MB):
Download Story (Word document, 64 MB):
Download Story (HTML, 65 MB):