Monday, May 1, 2017

[Note] Patreon Support

Hey guys, Happy 1st May!
First of all, I want to thank every single one of you who keeps visiting this blog!
You keep me going with your comments and moral support!
Without you, this whole thing wouldn't exist!

After nearly 4 years of creating this blog and devoting much of my free time into it without any repayment,
I have to make a decision now. When I started, I was still studying and had more free time of course
(as well as money by living at home). But you all know how it is: once you're on your own,
you have to work to make a living. And work means time. So, there we go.

I'm fairly new to this whole patreon thing, but if you want (and have a Patreon account)
you can support me either with a monthly fee (even just $1 per month would be a great help) or
you can send any amount you like directly over PayPal to

If there's enough contribution, I could reduce my working hours a bit and have more time for this blog
and making videos, maybe even working myself into Source Filmmaker (SFM) as well as an additional means of making animations. We'll just have to see how things work out!

But like I said, this is a completely optional offer and everything will still remain free of course!
The choice is yours and if you think it's worth it then feel free to do as you like!
Thank you!