It's author J.K. Rowling's birthday, she turned 55 today.
At the same time, it's also the birthday of the boy wizard himself, Harry Potter aka The-Boy-Who-Lived. In Rowling's fictional "Harry Potter" world, her beloved boy wizard was born on July 31, 1980.
That would make him 40 years old as of this year 2020.
To celebrate, we dedicate this post to him, and give him a sexy encounter
with his girlfriend and later wife, Ginny Weasley, to whom he is happily married to and has 3 children with.
Stay happy and healthy!
P.S. As always, please don't bother asking about when the next video is coming out,
it does when it does which is hopefully at the end of the year, thanks!
And sorry for being absent for longer periods of time, it just takes time to manage everything alongside of work and other commitments.
Next regular post are the promised missing requests as described on the sidebar.